Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hello Again

My laptop died awhile back and I have been without the ability to [easily] post. But more than that, my life has made it almost impossible to post.

The abbreviated version is that Stella got her first cold, then Erik got it and then I got it. Then our wonderful friends from DC came to visit. Then I got the H1N1 nasal vaccine and became very ill from it (Erik and I both had to do antibiotics!). Then we buried my beautiful grandmother who passed away at 89. Then Erik's dad came to visit from Italy, and THEN we went to DC/Cumberland for 8 days for the holiday combined with Erik's work trip. We got in around 1am last night and are recovering well :)

BTW, if you are asthmatic and are thinking of getting the H1N1 nasal vaccine, I highly recommended reconsidering and maybe getting the shot instead if you can. Lord, if I had known...

But more importantly, Stella is growing like a weed and doing ridiculously cute stuff. She is almost FIVE months old and is now rolling, laughing out loud and grabbing her toes when she lays on her back. I will post more recent pics in my next post, but here are a few catch-up photos :)


Bath time!

Snoozin' in her car seat

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

3 Months Today!

There is so much to say but I am one-hand I'll post pics for now : )

But I have to say that Stella rolled for her first time today (twice!), on her 3-month b-day! I did not expect this reaction, but I balled. And then I cried again later when I thought about it... Oh what joy does to me!

Outdoor movie in our park!

We picnicked of course!

Happy Birthday, Rosebud!