We went back to DC for the holiday, a trip that also doubled as Erik's work trip. Stella took her first airplane, her first Amtrak train, her first subway ride and first ride in a bus. She had her moments on the plane (moments in which, unfortunately, many people on the plane shared...), but all in all, she traveled like a champ. The trip was worth it for she met many admirers (not in the following order).

My old coworkers...what a natural!

Miss YaMinco & Mr. John

Mr. Abe, Mrs. Linda, Miss Marlene, Miss Laura, Miss Sorrel, Miss Emily

Miss Laura

First subway

First plane

First Amtrak

[Great] Aunt Linda

[Great] Uncle Robin and cousins Max and Moss

[Great] GREAT Grandma sportin' the Moby Wrap

Thanksgiving with the fam

[Great] Aunt Lori and cousin Moss

[Great] Aunt Paula and cousin Max

[Great] Uncle Jamie

Mrs. Beth

Mr. Brock

Mrs. Liz

Mr. Jason