Little Cathey and I crashed Daddy's business trip to San Francisco. We had two days to explore together before Cathey and I were on our own. For those of you who know San Francisco, we stayed close to Union Square and I highly recommend staying in that area - soooo convenient to everything. Thanks to our neighbor Curtis for great walking tour recommendations.

We started in Union Square...

Walked up through Chinatown...

The Wok Shop

Continued up to North Beach and Little Italy

Ate at THE best Italian deli in which I've ever been...

Stopped for coffee at Cafe Stella (for obvious reasons)

Stella had her "coffee", too.

Continued up to the water where you can see the Golden Gate Bridge (barely... See it?).

And took a trolley back.

The next day we hit the insanely amazing farmers market at the Ferry Building (on Saturdays).

Blue Bottle Coffee...

Let's just say that I went to every location...multiple times...
And then we spent the rest of the day with Erik's sister and her family in Golden Gate Park. I can't believe I don't have any pictures from that... Seriously??

The next morning we had a bath with Daddy at the hotel before he ran off to the conference. The view was amazing from the 26th floor of the Parc 55 Hotel.

Having a sack lunch at Union Square.

Making friends with the other "conference kids".

The night of our anniversary - room service of burgers, fries and the Daily Show...with no talking because Stella was asleep in the Ergo. It's the little things (like TV because we don't have one).

And then we visited our good friend, Ben. Stella is unsure about posing for a picture..

She thinks about escaping...

But Ben wins her over...

And over...
And over. Hilarious. Thanks for a great day, Ben.
All in all, it was a really great trip, and it was the right decision to go - much better than being alone for a week and away from Erik during our anniversary. I have found that Stella really enjoys being on the move more than anything else.