Hi - Cathey Estelle here. I only really get to talk to Mama and Daddy, so I thought I'd sneak onto my Mama's blog to see who all these "friends" are of hers...
So, I'm kinda new at the birthday-thing, but I'm pretty sure that my first birthday sucked. Mama had promised that we'd go swimming, but then they took our only car to the shop (which I don't understand, cuz Mama takes it shoppin' every day - I don't see why this is any different). So that meant we had to stay in our crummy house all day, playin' with the same old stuff that makes Mama crazy as I drag it all over the house.
On top of bein' stuck in the house all day, my eighth tooth is taking like 565 days to actually come in, and it was REALLY bothering me today. So I pretty much just screamed and clawed at Mama all day except when we were jumpin' around on the bed or she was chasin' me through the house. Those are really the only things that make me forget about the pain. I can't even sleep through it. As soon as my big head hits Mama's chest I'm practically up and awake again. Mama just grumbles under her breath as she switches me from boob to boob because I'm even in too much pain to nurse. Too bad I hate pretty much everything else she feeds me - mostly I just throw it all on the floor. Unless it's Cheerios (the fake wheat-free kind) - now THOSE I could just eat all day long.
I could tell that my fussiness was startin' to get to Mama because she was tryin' to do all this stuff for my birthday (like wrap presents and make somethin' called a cake), but I kept trying to get in there and help her. So then she just kept movin' stuff up high, but that just made me do other stuff, like climb. I heard her tell my Daddy that she didn't get one iota of sleep last night, "NOT ONE!", which would explain why she basically just started laughin' out loud and couldn't stop, when absolutely nothin' funny had happened. She must have seen somethin' I didn't see, cuz she even wiped a tear from her eye from laughin' so hard.
She did let me play with the outlet for a little longer than usual today before she whisked me away into another room like a trillion times, when all I do is go right back to that same outlet and pull those stupid "baby proofin'" plugs out. I put them in-out, in-out over and over, and then I go and hide them in Daddy's shoes. But what really made her mad today is when I
licked the plug and went to put it back in. Well, that just about got me in the most trouble I've ever been in. I cried so hard I couldn't catch my breath. What is her problem, anyway? I put EVERYTHING in my mouth - she knows that!
The rest of the night went much better, especially after I had more Tylenol than I probably should take - boy, did that help. We even shared my homemade pink cake with the neighbors (after I just threw my piece on the floor). And Mama made my favorite dinner - salmon (except I would rather have had Cheerios, but I forgive her since she pretty much let me eat them all day). Mama kept sayin' that at least we get a "do-over" at my party on Saturday, and we can have my birthday all over again. But I'll be honest, if my second birthday is gonna be anything like my first one, than I think I'd rather just stay one year old. Or will I still be one? So confusing.
I'd better get on to bed before someone catches me on this computer. This and Mama's phone are more off limits than even the outlets I think...