I am a hopeless romantic when it comes to "Hallmark" holidays. I sometimes resent that they have this reputation because I see some of these holidays as a cultural phenomenon that isn't necessarily rooted in consumerism. Yes, there are some stereotypical expectations that seem to accompany some of these holidays, expectations that sometimes steal the focus. But in this "new" day in America where we often even forget to eat, it seems necessary to dedicate an entire day to remember your mother, or to be romantic. I like that many people have rebelled against the consumer part of it and declare their own traditions (that's almost typically American in and of itself). But as unconventional as I claim to be in some parts of my life, Valentine's Day is one place where I am straight-up textbook. I love flowers, surprises and chocolates. And now that my daughter is with us, I like to romance her, too (romancing my man goes without saying).