In my attempt to be "green", I feel that I am slowly becoming the Hulk.
So honestly, I don't know the first thing about the Hulk except that he is green. If I am able to get pregnant, I will be green with nausea, but hopefully I will at least be puking in a very clean and green environment! I'm assuming the Hulk can relate... No?? OK, well maybe others can then...
And so it begins. My subway rides are now consumed by reading a book about all the crap that surrounds me that will ultimately pose a threat to either my baby's or my own life. And while it's not written so dramatically, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. As I look around at the things in my apt that my book says to rid of, I wonder just where on earth do you start? But I am not actually so overwhelmed - I start little by little, enjoying the clean-out process and the learning experience (with a side of panic and confusion).
For instance, my hair products: gotta go. My GOD - I have never read the label of the Bumble & Bumble curl-whatever-whatever, and now that I have, I can't believe I put it in my hair! I hate to be dramatic, but seriously - what is all of that shit?! Whatever it is, it works a miracle on my hair, but it's time to go. Goodbye Bumble & Bumble and hello Burt's Bees. At least Burt's Bees is a little bit cheaper (even if I do look like a hippie with bad hair, but what's new?).
While we had already made the laundry detergent and household cleaning products switch to a more natural brand, we still haven't exactly thrown out the's still there (just in case)...we just don't use it. But it's time to go. Goodbye Tilex and hello vinegar and water.
And what in the hell is this apt floor painted with anyway?? Lead paint I presume (like the rest of the building was until just recently - that's another story about how we had to move out for a week after the outside of the building was sand-blasted into our apt and we all got lead poisoning...did I mention we're moving?!). Thanks to my book, I know where to send a paint chip to get it tested for lead. Honestly, I can't believe I'm doing it either, but it's very important and I'm not messing around with the dangers of this old apt anymore. It was cool for just us, but a developing fetus is most affected by these things.
There are so many things to learn about surrounding plastics and other chemicals, not to mention the right kind of water filters and other things. Sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed, but other times I am relieved to have a handbook that tells it like it is and suggests how to "detox" your environment. I look forward to doing as much as possible for once and for all - something I've really wanted to do, and really believe in anyway.
The body is coming along, too. There are obviously many things that have to change about your eating habits once pregnant, like the kinds of fish you eat (if you choose to eat it at all - it's almost easier to avoid it), and not eating deli meat or meat/chicken that is not fully cooked and heated over XX degrees. So that cold chicken breast from the fridge that I just ate for dinner...won't be able to do that much longer.
And then there's the exercise. I have pretty much been exercising 5x/wk for a long time for my health and weight in general, but I have never worked on my abs as you are supposed to do before pregnancy. Not only does it help you to carry and support the extra weight, but it will also aid the birth process to be stronger (there and everywhere). Because my stomach has never been a "problem area", I have never done "crunches". But now I am. We'll just leave it at that.
After having such a regimented diet and workout routine for so long, it's hard for me to believe that my thighs are still not where I want them, and that they will only continue to grow during pregnancy - OMG. But that is something that I am just going to bare by wearing dresses. Thank you to whoever created the dress! I can only control so much, and my thighs have never been one of those things!!
The asthma-thing is coming along, but not as great as I had hoped. I am still completely dependent on a "class-C" inhaler that is most likely dangerous during pregnancy. Yes, it's more important for the mother to breathe, but it's a very scary thing to be purposefully inhaling a toxic substance while very pregnant with the most defenseless of things. My diet has improved my asthma tremendously, but we're not home yet. I hope that a combo of a couple more health appointments and some acupuncture will help me with my severe and sudden attacks.
So plans are coming along well. What's funny is that there really was no plan for all of this, and suddenly working on asthma and throwing out cleaning products has created a reason to have a "pre-pregnancy to-do list" - not exactly what I pictured, but I'm glad I have the option to take my time and be safe. Family "planning".
1 comment:
I hear you about everything seeming scary. I always like to remind myself that babies are born perfectly healthy and happy in every country on earth, no matter how much the mom knew about environmental toxins. I reminded myself of that...but I still worried ALL THE TIME!!! I cried when I accidentally ate undercooked fish! All my friends still had caffeine, I couldn't do it. I hear ya, sister. YOu are going to be an awesome mom. I can't wait!
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