Fresh pineapple. Something in fresh pineapple (the enzymes or something) breaks up the mucus and helps your cough. After several days of coughing as hard as I can and then laying down only to have both nostrils completely plugged, I can now breath through my nostrils and my coughing is better. We've also been placing a hot wet rag over my eyes that seems to have opened up my nose a bit (at the suggestion of the nurse we called this AM). Also, I was reading online that squeezing the web between your index and thumb is an acupuncture point that can also help to cut mucus if you squeeze for 1 minute. Page 298 of this link has all kinds of good suggestions for natural cold remedies, ones I wish I would have read 2 days ago.
We've had several incredibly busy days running around, shopping and preparing to host X-mas. We've been buying and hanging curtains, changing out hardware in the house and other various things that were put on hold when he was laid-off. But now that we're hosting X-mas, there was a lot of motivation to get some of these projects done. On top of that, I did a huge part of my sister's X-mas shopping (since she just had a baby) and am wrapping most of her gifts (not to mention shopping for our own gifts and wrapping them). The big problem is that I had to completely stop because of this sickness! Erik, however, kept trucking as he proceeded to go to Whole Foods last night and shop for the entire X-mas dinner. He was gone for over 3 hours! Poor thing was so worn out when he got home. Shopping for X-mas dinner is super hard when you hate going to the grocery store!
In the middle of it all, we went to my nieces first slumber party on Friday. This took me WAY back. I'll have to add the videos later...
Hopefully after some more natural remedies this afternoon, I can get back on the horse. Our family X-mas is here tomorrow night, so we have a lot to do...!
1 comment:
Oh, my! Erik seems to have an attention to detail condition (laying the lights out so perfectly before mounting). Hey, it works best. The tree is beautiful. Good job, son.
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