Someone asked me yesterday what I was doing for the holiday, and I was like, "What holiday?" Though Firecracker has been due on the 4th of July this whole time, I had completely forgotten that the weekend would be full of people leaving town and/or celebrating with flags, hot dogs, watermelon and fireworks.
The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. Usually by this time, I am flipping through recipes and planning on making some kind of ultra cheesy cake with a flag on it made of blueberries and strawberries. I am never one to shy away from loading up a cooler and going into the worst crowd so that I can watch fireworks and eat unhealthy food and listen to live music. I love the smell of bug spray and beer in a fireworks-awaiting crowd, and I love the look on children's faces as they wait in anticipation for the big show, eating Popsicle after Popsicle to stay cool and interested.
DC was, of course, an amazing place to see the fireworks. At some point, we ended up trading the crowds for rooftop views from our tall apartment buildings. While it was always fun, I always missed the chaos of the National Mall and walking all the way home in a mass crowd because the subways were too packed. Being back in Austin, I wonder what we will opt for with kids in tow. I will certainly drag the family down to Zilker Park or Auditorium Shores for several years so that we can see great live music and eat roasted corn and BBQ while we wait for fireworks. But I'm sure we will also have some years where we go to Grandpa Chuck's out in the Hill Country to do sparklers and watermelon and to take it easy. Or maybe we'll go out on the lake and watch the fireworks from a boat. If Firecracker isn't here by the 4th, we may be going to Grandpa Chuck's this year.
It's crazy to start envisioning the traditions we will form for our kids. For some reason, it really excites me.
For now, Firecracker is happily content to stay put another day.

And now we just wait.
I am still leaving the house and staying gone for most of the day, picking up last-minute things and doing some "studying" outside the house while I still can. Tonight we take a CPR class in case we ever have to revive our child. While I'm glad we're doing it, I'm seriously not looking forward to 3 hrs of mouth-to-mouth with a dummy...
sending you easy labor vibes and best wishes for your firecracker. thinkin of you here in DC...
Just wanted to say happy estimated due date! I hope you're having a wonderful, distraction filled day. I know you'll have a powerful, empowering labor in the days to come!
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