Stella is just over a week old and she has had many visitors since coming home.

Nana (Erik's mom) meets Stella

Aunt Michele

Nana (who is staying with us)

Aunt Lala and Uncle Steve

Uncle Faris

Aunt Ravyn

"Maga" (Francine) and Charles

The Star

Sunbath (to prevent jaundic)

Her admirers...doting parents

Oh she's so beautiful! What a sweet face! Congratulations guys!
She is a week old and she is I wrong???? I love to look at her beautiful face, and belly, and just... everything! My baby is now 6 years old, but wasn't it just yesterday that he was born? They grow too fast! Congrats you two!
She's so beautiful! I'm so jealous of everyone in Texas right now.
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