Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Website

Thank you to everyone that sent me helpful advice and suggestions after my last post. Since I did not tackle it this week, my goal is to get on top of some of the suggestions next week when Erik can accompany me to an appointment or two so that he can hold the ever-squirming Stella!

In other news, my brilliant husband quickly created a website for us to post our pictures (since we don't use Shutterfly or anything like that). We aren't that great at updating it yet, but we're working on it - check it out (but read the next paragraph first)!

It's an RSS feed, so you can receive it, and there are a couple of options as to what you can receive. If you click on the RSS tab, that's where you can choose. If you pick "Everything RSS", you will get both our blogs and all the pics from the website. If you are already subscribed to our blogs and would rather just see the pics, you can do "This Site Only RSS". Or you can just come view it the old fashioned way :)

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