Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yoikes, Scooby!

I was looking up some products that I received as a gift to see if they contained carcinogens, etc. Because I had heard that they were far from organic, I wasn't surprised to find that they weren't rated highly. But I was surprised to find that the specific products I received of this brand were ranked among some of the worst in terms of bad "stuff" in them. and they are baby products.

I recommend the below site if you're making the move to have safer cosmetics (lotions, shampoos, make-up, etc.) in your life. I actually made the switch long ago to using all organic cosmetics and beauty products (mascara, lotion, hair stuff, moisturizer, etc.), but there are still the occasional gifts that I'm not always sure about. Of course, there is the opinion that one little bottle of whatever isn't going to hurt you, especially when the fumes from cars and second-hand smoke you breathe are so much worse. But my attitude is that as little of all that bad stuff as possible is better, and I will control what I can. My end goal is to be around for a long time - to watch Stella have babies, and maybe even to watch those babies have babies (my grandmas are still around - they are Stella's great grandmothers!). I'm glad sites like this exist so that I can make that choice for myself, and so that I can protect Stella as much as I can until she is old enough to choose for herself.

Cosmetic Database


Western Maryland Dems said...

If I can make a somewhat parochial recommendation...I've had the opportunity to get to know Diana Kaye at Terressentials in Middletown, MD and to see some of Terressentials' products from plant to bottle. They have extremely high standards and wonderful products and they are leading advocates for high organics standards. Check their products out at And be sure to watch their video!

Novice Nester said...

Thanks, Robin - what a great resource! I love their website :)