I'm still catching up on blog posts of old photos and events. Here are photos from our trip to California to visit Erik's mom for Christmas.

One day we went to Balboa park with Erik's sister and her family of 4. Here we all are on the train.

Bianca and Lucia

Erik and Sebi


Awesome carousel. Awesome park.

One of a few Christmas parties - this is the Arko party (a very LARGE X-mas party).

Meeting Erik's grandma, Stella's great grandmother (she is blind and is exploring her hand)

Stella with Great Grandma and Grandpa Whalen (she is very sick in this picture)

Just barely sitting up alone and very excited about presents.

Yummy teething bunny.

With Nana (Erik's mom)

Nanna's husband, Kim (with their very tall and beautiful tree)

And Daddy.
We had such a nice Christmas (except for being sick :( Thank you, Nana and Kim!
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