And you are so very BABY. You laugh and laugh and laugh at your dad and me when we make faces or dance around. You adore the baby looking back in the mirror. You grab your toes in your highchair and store your food between them. You are often distracted when nursing, but you still reach up and touch my face while kicking your legs all around. We all agree that your crawl is just crazy. You use your right foot instead of your knee, and you drag your left leg around. Of course, I'm worried something is wrong with one of your legs, but others assure me that you've just figured out a more efficient way to crawl (you do go pretty fast).
Because you're my first child, I just couldn't imagine what it would be like for you to be crawling and more independent. But now I can barely remember what it was like to have you lay in one place. Because we have not baby-proofed, I have to follow you around as you get into (and onto) absolutely everything. Today you pulled the recycling bin over onto yourself, and while you were very startled, you didn't make a peep - you just looked up for my reaction. "Oh my lord, Baby Girl" is what you heard.
These days you are napping around 9:30am and 1:30pm. Sometimes you sleep for 1.5hrs and sometimes only for a half hour. Mostly you sleep in the Ergo while Mommy gets precious computer time or flips through recipes for dinner. But often, like today, we will go to Whole Foods or Central Market during a nap, and Mom will shop while you sleep peacefully. When at home, we put your nap-time song on repeat while we nurse, change diaper, and then sway to sleep in the Ergo. Though you don't fight it, you make all kinds of sad whimpering sounds while you convince your body to relax and give in. It is almost my favorite thing. So amazing. So temporary. When you wake up, you are quiet and slow to rise. You quietly look around you for a good 10 minutes before you start to stretch and make sounds, implying that you're ready to move on.
After you nurse for a good long time, you sit up and exclaim, "Ga ga ga ga ga". You open your mouth wide from side to side while you talk, and you look like an old lady with few teeth (you have 4 but you're cutting your 5th, and BOY is it hard on you!).
You still HATE changing your diaper. Really, I think you just hate laying down. Every. Single. Time. You yell and cry, even as we give you a rainbow of objects to distract you. Wish I could understand what you're trying to tell me. We've tried changing you standing up, and you know how that went...
Oh, Stella. I won't even go into how you sleep at night. But I will tell you that some of our favorite moments are in the dark of our room, snuggled up together in the bed while you nurse. Often in the morning, Daddy will take you for awhile so Mama can get some rest, and when you come back, your face could light up the world. He puts you down on the bed and you laugh and crawl all over me, and you pull at my nightgown to nurse.
For several reasons, I have been very slow on feeding you solids. Mainly because I make all of your food, and I just haven't been that organized about it. I have also read so much conflicting advice about what to feed you and how many times. But we're figuring it out. You are up to two "meals" a day and are working on adding breakfast. We eat together at night at the table as a family, and you entertain us with the faces you make with almost every bite. You've had sweet potatoes, apples, pears, butternut squash, prunes and apricots. You are totally uninterested in the food that we put on your tray, so we still feed you every bite, but you will learn.
You're my baby. Sometimes I still can't believe it, but you're my baby. One day, you will be a knockout-of-a-woman, and I will beg for your phone calls and attention. But right now, your world is small. And you are my baby.

1 comment:
Thanks for posting recent pictures! Stella is such a beautiful baby! My niece had a similarly weird way of crawling with one of her legs being dragged behind, and I was also worried that something was wrong with her leg, but it all turned out fine. I guess each child just figures out the crawling method that is most efficient for them.
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