OK, so this post is really about PMS rather than a stable marriage problem, but there are few people who like to read about PMS when either they experience it every month or they live with someone who does, so it's a disguise post (well not anymore, I guess).
There are all kinds of "disorders" and other names associated with bad PMS, but given everything I know about pregnancy and PMS with most women, I've concluded that changes in our hormone levels (and hormones) just suck. Some people certainly have hormonal disorders, but the rest of us are probably just sensitive to the drastic shifts. I'm in awe at the people who seem to experience nothing at all right before their periods, barely even noticing that it's on the way. Whereas I go from being a medium to highly active individual to one that cannot figure out my purpose in life, and then being so exhausted that I pray for 8:30 to come around so that I can go to bed, and then once I get there, it's like I've had a shot of espresso. That's just cruel.
Even crueler is the ferocious hunger that accompanies my blues and inexplicable exhaustion. Not only is it insatiable hunger, but it has a craving side to it that makes me pine for ridiculous things like fried chicken and Jello salad (I know...NO one likes Jello salad...including me! And for my foreign friends, just don't ask). If this is just PMS, I will certainly be entertained by my craving possibilities with pregnancy.
Oh, and I didn't mention the hateful thoughts that seem to seep out of me during PMS - that's usually how I know it's arrived. I'll be sitting on the metro and thinking, "If that woman breathes in my direction one more time, I will get off this train!" Or the sensitivity to noise?! On a peaceful evening walk with Erik this week, I almost hurled my purse at a passing ambulance that just couldn't seem to get through traffic. And then I almost socked the kids behind us that had raised their voices to overcome the howling sirens. So hateful to want to hit kids. Erik's just glad I acknowledge my desires and don't carry them out (especially on him).
So while everyone says you can't know how you'll be, I know myself well enough to expect that should I get pregnant, the first trimester will be the rockiest time of my life - several weeks of straight PMS, complete with barfing. I was thinking yesterday that it really is too bad that most newly pregnant people can't just sit back and take it all in. Instead, they are hunched forward and letting it all go, all the while, doubting their sanity and competence. I mean, really - what is the biological purpose of this cruel arrangement?? I suppose PMS can be seen as a tiny trial period every month to expose us to the longer-term hell to come. Glad I'm so experienced in this now. Maybe I'd be more grateful if I understood the purpose of being practically suicidal and miserable in order to procreate.
And why does it have to also impact self image? It seems that I am trucking along just fine, and then PMS comes and I am suddenly ready to throw EVERYTHING in my closet away and start over. A diet of lettuce and Diet Coke starts to sound appealing because my ass just cannot get any bigger in the mirror during a PMS week. It's not a good combo to want to throw everything in your closet away, but then not be able to go shopping because you can't stand to look in the mirror, and you cry at the sight of yourself. Hopefully someone reading this can relate instead of being on the verge of sending me a bottle of Prozac (or a treadmill). I'm not always like this except during PMS.
And then, something miraculous happens. The clouds clear and the sun peaks through, and suddenly I fall completely in love with the world all over again. Thoughts of utter gratefulness run through my mind as I stop to appreciate any small thing, like a nice tree on our street or a couple smooching in the park. The music on my ipod even returns to normal (vs. the classical and light jazz combo that I require to get through my commute during PMS). This reprieve is the actual period, one that is expected any day now (unless it doesn't come... :)
1 comment:
Girl, I think you may have a good idea how you'll be for some of your pregnancy...and I will be here to keep sharp objects out of your reach! xoxoxoxo
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