Sunday, November 2, 2008

C-Sections, Birthdays and Painting, OH MY!

My family has been keeping us very busy to say the least. Between babysitting, birthdays and general visits, we are always on the run, but it's nice to be around family again.

The latest member of the family was born last week. My sister had an emergency C-section early Thursday morning due to an early breech baby girl trying to come out with one foot first. Arriving at the hospital in an ambulance and being knocked out with general anesthesia (no time for an epidural) is a stark contrast to the 3 natural home births she's had with the other children. But we're happy to have a safe mama, and a safe Angela Francine (all 7 lbs 11 oz of her).

Do you see the resemblance?

As you can see, all systems are finally go with the pictures, and as promised, here are some pictures of the house. We have not unpacked at all because we are still in the process of painting, and we don't want to paint around everything, so it stays in the boxes for now. There is also a general bareness because we are starting over with furniture (as in, we hardly have any). But we have picked up a few pieces from flea markets/used furniture stores, and one room is finally coming together!

Erik did a great job of arranging furniture and painting!

The futon has an off-white cover flung over it while we decide if we're ever actually going to put the darn thing on...

Nice, tall ceilings - hard to paint...

Screened-in porch off of our bedroom :)

We added those 3 lovely doors (in place of a small not-lovely window). The ladder is out because Erik cleaned out the gutters (fun).

We painted another room tonight and have started to take some wallpaper down in the bathroom (it is so ugly), so I'll put more pics up very soon!